Asphalt Paving Summerville SC is one of the most cost-effective options to keep roads smooth. Smooth roads reduce vehicle damage and save on fuel costs.

The next step in the asphalt paving process is to mix aggregate and asphalt binder in a mixer. Warm mix asphalt (WMA) is produced at a lower temperature, using less energy and producing fewer fumes during the paving process.
Asphalt is a thick dark oily substance that plays a major role in road construction. It is mixed with aggregates like stone, sand and gravel to create sturdy surfaces for roads and parking lots. While asphalt has many positive features, those who work with it are exposed to some dangerous risks. These include burns, abrasions and fume inhalation. Understanding these risks and following best practices can help keep workers safe while they perform their duties.
Burns – Working with asphalt requires specialized clothing and tools to prevent burns. Gloves should be thermally insulated to ensure that the piping hot material does not touch skin, which can cause severe burns. Clothing should also be long sleeved and cover all body parts, as asphalt can absorb through the skin and irritate it. Wearing a mask and eye protection will help reduce exposure to asphalt vapors and fumes. If these vapors cannot be avoided, wearing a respirator with vapor cartridges is recommended.
Abrasions – Working with hot asphalt can lead to serious abrasions, especially on the hands. Protective gloves and abrasion-resistant clothing should be worn, along with eyewear to protect against splashes. Workers should also make sure that their hair is pulled back.
Fume Inhalation – Exposure to asphalt fumes can irritate the eyes and lungs, which can result in short-term and long-term health issues. Wearing a mask and having an on-site eyewash station available will reduce the risk of irritation and bronchitis.
Traffic Accidents – Passing motorist traffic is one of the most common hazards on a job site, and it is often the leading cause of injuries to paving crews. Traffic accidents can be prevented by utilizing spotters and lookouts, equipping workers with two-way radios if they are working beyond the range of visual or vocal communication, and properly setting barricades and traffic control devices.
Safety is always a priority in construction, but it is particularly important in asphalt paving. While paving machines have advanced safety features like emergency stop buttons, they can still be affected by human error. Proper training and familiarity with the equipment is essential for keeping everyone safe while paving.
Asphalt is highly durable and can stand up to many conditions that would otherwise damage other types of pavements. The durability of asphalt is largely due to its materials and the way it is constructed.
The construction process begins with aggregate preparation, which involves crushing and mixing crushed stone, sand, and other elements to achieve the desired ratios. The aggregates are then heated to high temperatures and combined with a polymer binder in an asphalt plant. The resulting mixture is then transported to the construction site, where it is laid on roads and parking lots with specialized equipment.
Once the asphalt is laid, it must be compacted to eliminate voids and improve its structural integrity. A heavy roller is used to accomplish this task, and it is a vital step in ensuring the longevity of asphalt surfaces. Proper compaction also minimizes future rutting and cracking of the surface.
In addition to compaction, proper grading is key to asphalt paving success. Poor grading can lead to water pooling on the pavement, which weakens it over time and causes it to break down. On the other hand, proper grading ensures that rainwater drains away from the surface, keeping it intact and safe for vehicle traffic.
Climate and Traffic Load are other factors that can impact the lifespan of asphalt. Extreme weather can accelerate normal wear and tear, while heavier traffic loads require more frequent maintenance and thicker asphalt structures. Regular maintenance and preventative measures such as seal coating, crack filling, and repairing potholes can also prolong the life of asphalt.
While asphalt is a very durable material, it requires regular upkeep to maintain its functionality and appearance. Routine resealing and crack filling can help extend its lifespan, as well as provide a smoother, safer road surface for your customers and employees.
Easy Maintenance
Asphalt is a great choice for road construction because it can be built quickly and efficiently. It is also cost-effective and durable. However, it is important to maintain asphalt roads in order to ensure safety and longevity.
There are several steps that need to be taken into consideration for the proper maintenance of asphalt paving:
Regular cleanings can help to prevent damage to asphalt pavement. This includes removing debris, such as dirt, leaves, and grass clippings from the surface. Moisture can collect underneath these items and degrade the base of the pavement. In addition, oil or other fuel stains need to be cleaned with a special degreasing product.
Another way to prevent damage to asphalt is by ensuring that there is proper drainage. Asphalt hates standing water, which can eat away at the surface and cause cracking. Drainage issues should be addressed as soon as they are noticed, to avoid costly repairs in the future.
Finally, asphalt pavement should be regularly seal coated. This not only gives the pavement a new, fresh appearance, but it also helps to protect it from water, sun exposure, and other damaging elements.
It is important to take the necessary precautions when performing maintenance on asphalt, including wearing appropriate clothing and using a mask and gloves. It is also best to perform these tasks on dry, mild days.
Asphalt maintenance includes repairing small cracks and potholes before they become larger problems. This can be done with quality crack filler or sealcoating. In addition, it is crucial to keep the pavement free of debris, such as rocks and sticks, which can damage the surface.
Asphalt is an excellent option for a wide variety of applications, including driveways, parking lots, and roads. It is highly durable and offers a range of benefits, such as safety, noise reduction, and ease of maintenance. It is also easy to repair, which makes it a great option for HOAs and multi-tenant properties that need to minimize downtime. With proper care, asphalt can provide a long-lasting, beautiful pavement for years to come. If you’re interested in learning more about asphalt paving, AMS Paving is happy to discuss your options.
Asphalt pavements offer a cost-effective option compared to other types of paving materials, and they can be installed faster and more efficiently. This makes them an ideal choice for business owners who want to get traffic moving sooner and who are concerned about budget. Asphalt is also an environmentally friendly material, and it can be recycled to create new asphalt pavement again.
When choosing an asphalt paving contractor it is important to find one that has extensive customer testimonials and referrals. You should also ask to drive by or visit the property where the work was done to see the results for yourself. A good paving company will be happy to show you the finished product and be proud of their work.
The first step in the paving process is to remove any existing surface and prepare it for a smooth asphalt finish. Once the area is ready the base and subgrade are laid, which provide critical stability to support the top layer of asphalt. This allows the asphalt to resist wear and tear from vehicles and heavy loads, as well as minimizing cracking over time.
Once the base and subgrade are in place the asphalt mix can be poured. Asphalt is a very versatile material, and the different recipes are designed for various applications. For example, some asphalt mixes are designed to have a high stiffness and resistance to deformation, while others are meant to be flexible in order to withstand varying pressures.
After the asphalt is poured it is spread evenly using specialized paving equipment and compacted to eliminate voids. This is a crucial step, as it minimizes the risk of future problems like rutting and potholes. The asphalt is then rolled and screened to ensure that it has the desired texture and smoothness.